policy TWO
policy ONE
Sports As A Tool
Increase the practice of sports in academic institutions by extending the hours of sports activities, offering all types of sports for students of all ages, and providing facilities for practicing sports safely.
Academic institutions must hire physical education teachers to guarantee proper learning, achieve personal development, and avoid injuries in students.
Governments must invest in developing extra-curricular and sports activities in all areas, through specific public policies and programs that improve both practices.
Declaration for an INTERNATIONAL SPORTS WEEKS to encourage all sectors to practice sports, not just in educational institutions but in public arenas as well.
Build sports infrastructures such as public sports fields, parks, playgrounds, and sports courts, which include access for people with disabilities, in order to facilitate the practice of any type of sport.
Motivate private businesses to invest in sports as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Governments must implement tax exemptions or any type of economic incentives for private businesses, to promote investment in all sport areas.
Ensure and assure access to all disciplines of sports for people with disabilities, leading them to participate in every category of sports and competitions.
Develop projects in cooperation with international sports organizations, to promote physical activity as a tool to achieve well-being for children and youth, in accordance with the initiative "I Am WITH YOU Campaign"
Extend these actions to academic institutions, United Nations Member States, relevant UN Agencies and Departments, and all Governments, in the implementation of sports as a tool to keep the population physically and mentally active.